Meiko Mochikoko

sister ღ dancer ღ scion

Warrior Of Light

story told by lanna

Rules & Mun

about lanna

  • Hi! I'm Lanna. She/Her, 30+, PST. I am caught up to the most recent patch of FFXIV MSQ and completed all non-savage raids. My blog is associated with aethericsea and their related blogs.

  • I am not mutuals only and anyone/everyone is welcome to interact!

  • I will unfollow a blog for the following reasons: extended absence without hiatus notice, excessive ooc posting, infrequent engagement, poor communication, excessive/untagged nsfw, and unhealthy mun behavior. Since this is outlined in that linked post, do not ask me why I unfollowed.

  • If I straight up do not want to interact with you anymore, I will hard block you. If you're not blocked by me, you're allowed to engage with me, mutuals or not! But I will respect if you choose to stop interacting if I break mutual.

  • Please only follow my blog(s) if you intend to engage. This means both active out of character communication (tags, IMs) and in character writing (memes, threads, etc). If I've liked your promo/pinned or follow you, that means I am interested in interacting! I'm not going to chase you, though.


  • I don’t tolerate: content/follower policing based on fandom/friend group drama, vagueblogging or any sort of guilting, and ooc expressions of hate towards any race, gender identity, orientation, age, class, etc.

  • I may write triggering content from time to time, including ic interactions dealing with the above, but I will always tag my content (trigger tw) and always read more my nsfw.

  • I will assume you’ve dropped our thread(s) if you are actively posting but do not engage with me and/or do not reply to our thread for 4+ weeks straight. These threads will be moved into my archive, and if unanswered for 8+ weeks, dropped. Communicate with me if you are struggling or feel burnt out and I’ll understand/try to help! But if you go totally radio silent I’ll just assume the thread isn’t happening.

  • I won't waste my effort if our threads never take off. Basically if you never respond to starters I write you or our RPs never pass three replies, I'm not going to do full threads with you. We can still engage through memes and short interactions, but I'll be less likely to write more with you beyond that.

  • As mentioned above, I need RP partners to make an equal effort. That means we both share ideas, move the plot along, engage with each other, and don’t force me to cater to you/your Muse. I.e expecting my fantasy-based muse to engage with your modern one without prior set-up!

about meiko

name. meiko mochikoko
nicknames. mei, meibun
birthdate. 30th Sun of 6th Umbral moon
age. 24 (ARR) - 29 (DT)
height. 188cm / 6’2”
gender/pronouns. female | she/her
orientation. bisexual
ethnicity. viera (rava)
nation. limsa lominsa
hometown. wadewick landing (la noscea)
education. literate, basic arithmetic
occupation. scion, dancer of troupe falsiam, warrior of light/darkness
family. a’kihiko (adopted brother), komochi & kokopi (adoptive parents)
interests. dancing, drinking, triple triad, sailing
notable traits. beauty mark on chin, wrist scars from feral miqo’te brother bites, speaks with Lominsan accent; her dark green eyes become lighter and white streaks appear in her hair as a result of the Lightwarden absorption in Shadowbringers.

other details

vieran race. In my personal canon, Viera's longevity is only extended if they remain in their home forest.
When they leave, they age normally. Mei, who was raised in La Noscea, is both ignorant to this information and has always aged normally. Meiko also has a tail.
dark knight. Mei completes the DRK quests throughout the Heavensward MSQ. While doing so, she often keeps her face and ears covered, as not to stir up trouble for the Scions with vigilante justice. She only comes forward with this knowledge in Shadowbringers, as she trains her brother in the same way.Fray's presence manifests as a voice in her head post-50 reveal, often commenting on current events when she’s open to listening to him. He goes "quiet" after the 80 quest.Meiko is close with Sidurgu and Rielle, giving them the keys to her apartment in Ishgard so that they have a more stable home than the Forgotten Knight.

her story

When she was but a toddler, Meiko found herself on a slavers’ ship among many other women and young girls, bound for who-knows-where. It was by pure luck that this ship was intercepted by a band of pirates, who freed the women aboard as a result. When no one claimed her as their own, she was taken in by a Lalafell by the name of Komochi Mochikoko. He took her home to his wife, Kokopi, and they named her in the style of their own people, as they knew little about Viera. Eventually, this would be the same case eight years later when they took on a young Miqo’te -- her brother, A’kihiko.When A’kihiko announced he would be an adventurer, his sister insisted she go with him. Desperate to strike out on his own, he departed a day early and led her to believe he would meet her in Limsa Lominsa. She hurried to catch up, spending all her coin to do so, only to realize she had been duped. Thus, Meiko worked with the Rogues Guild for a time to make up the coin, and even joined the Maelstrom.But it was a fateful run-in with Troupe Falsiam that changed her life forever. Dancing was quickly recognized as her passion, and more than that, it helped her earn plenty more coin. By the time she had enough for an airship pass, her brother was in Ul’dah, where they finally reunited. It was here that he explained his joining the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and as a result, Meiko insisted she join as well.Prior to the Bloody Banquet, a run-in with Midgardsormr locked away A’kihiko’s Blessing. Throughout the events of Heavensward, as he proved himself alongside her, Meiko too found herself earning Hydaelyn’s Blessing. Intimidated and feeling unworthy, she kept this to herself until she no longer could. Even after the Scions were told, she insisted A’kihiko continue to bear the title alone -- as a surprise to their enemies, is what she would say. In truth, she feared the expectations and burdens that came with all that attention.The Scions would then be pitched into the liberation of both Doma and Ala Mihgo, and despite their many obstacles and tragedies, they would be victorious. As yet another clash with the Empire lingered on the horizon, the Scions would one-by-one begin to fall into a mysterious and comatose state, brought about by a Call from another world.It was moments before the decisive battle that A’kihiko, too, was whisked away by the Call. Distraught and gripped by insecurities, Meiko feared she was not enough to defeat the Empire -- but soon realized that that did not matter. She never considered herself the true Warrior of Light, but right now she had to be.She arrived at the First a different person -- or, perhaps, a more hardened version of herself. Above everything else, she swore to do whatever it took to get the Scions back to Eorzea. A’kihiko had been the Exarch’s original target for the summoning, but mistakes in the spell meant that Meiko was their only hope. Although not used to the “protagonist” levels of attention, she came to fully embrace her role as the Warrior of Darkness and defender of the First.Since their return, Meiko has set about splitting Warrior Of Light responsibilities with her brother once again, but speaks of her title far more publicly than prior. Most Eorzeans don’t know, though, and simply praise her acts as a hero among the other Scions.


A’kihiko was taken in by Mei’s family when she found him behind their house eating garbage. Only six at the time, he was a feral child that had been abandoned by his older brother, who sought to get rid of competition to be a Nunh. The child only really survived thanks to the Echo, which had manifested in his keen instincts.Although initially tough to get along with, Meiko vowed to always keep her little brother safe. This led to an overprotective streak that drove A’kihiko to ditch his sister before they left their hometown. She thought he had headed to Limsa Lominsa, but he had actually ended up in Gridania, where he took up the occupation of a mercenary and trained as a Gunbreaker.When his Gunbreaker jobs led him to Thanalan, A’kihiko found himself in the presence of the freshly-summoned Ifrit. Unaware of the risk of tempering, he threw himself into the fight to protect others, and was ultimately victorious. Afterward, he was immediately recruited into the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. It was only after this that he contacted his sister and let her know what he was up to. She decided to join the Scions as a result.A’kihiko takes on the mantle of Warrior Of Light without hesitation, and made a habit of forgoing his accent for something more proper to better appeal to the masses. He is, however, still a feral child deep down and his accent will come out when frenzied.He is an excellent fighter, but cannot craft or gather for his life. His one true love is collecting cool pieces of armor for glamours. Otherwise, he’s usually too dense to realize when someone is hitting on him (like Haurchefant did).

Main Scenario Notes & Tweaks

Since Mei shares the role of WOL with her brother, there are some breaks in the story where they share/divide responsibilities. You don't need to study this! It's just for reference. If you have questions, feel free to ask! Just note: THIS LIST CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE ENTIRE MSQ.

  • Mei joins the Scions after the first Ifrit fight. All events proceed as normal with A’kihiko in the role of WOL into HW. She escapes with him after the Bloody Banquet.

  • Meiko fought on behalf of Tataru in Ishgard during the Trial By Combat. In the Vault, Haurchefant protects A’kihiko, but it is Meiko who is by his side while her brother tries (and fails) to capture Thordan before he can escape.

  • Meiko gained the Blessing when A’kihiko restored his throughout Heavensward. In the alliance games between the three nations of Eorzea vs. Ishgard, A’kihiko fought for Ishgard, and Meiko for Limsa.

  • Meiko was NOT present at the attack on Rhalgr’s Reach. She was part of the scouting party that saw the smoke rising. A’kihiko was present when Zenos attack, and his left eye was damaged in the fight (now it’s white).

  • She joined Yugiri when she tried to assassinate Zenos. It was originally a plea to get her not to go, but when Yugiri wouldn’t stop, she went with her. She was injured greatly in the fight, and thus had to sit out the entire Azim Steppe portion of the game. To prevent Yugiri from further trouble, she claims it was all her idea. Mei returns just before the assault on Doma Castle. Meiko and A’kihiko defeated Zenos in Ala Mihgo together, finally.

  • When the time comes to return to the Steppe, A’kihiko goes with Alisaie to the Burn, while Meiko finally sees the Steppe for the first time alongside Y’shtola and Hien. As a result, Sadu challenges Hien to the fight, and she and Y’shtola dispatch Magnai.

  • A’kihiko succumbs to The Call shortly before the end of Stormblood, just prior to the final battle with “Zenos.”

  • Meiko is the only one to have been brought to the First with a physical body, which is why they needed her, despite already having A’kihiko. Although his soul still possessed the Blessing of Light, it would be too vulnerable to the Lightwardens’ corruption without a full physical form. A’kihiko is with Alisaie at Journey’s End Inn when Meiko arrives at the First. She seeks Alphinaud first in Khoulisa since he is alone.

  • The Source Shard of Azem split into two fragments, with the larger fragment making up A’kihiko. This plus his physical similarities to Azem (Lux) is why he awoke to as the WoL first (plus, that’s how Meiko tells the story to Venat in EW…)

  • At the end of 5.0, she returns to Eorzea alone. While waiting for Tataru to speak with her contact, Meiko visits Sid and Rielle, and then Troupe Falsiam (completes DRK/DNC 80). She also picks up MCH, joining during the Tourney arc (50).

  • Throughout patches 5.1-5.3, Meiko keeps the protagonist role as she is the only one who has a physical form and therefore is able to go back and forth between the First. Canon is primarily followed, as A’kihiko more takes on a Scion-esque role rather than a WOL due to his lack of physical body. Although he is the strongest of the group as far as resisting fatigue/his connection to body-soul, he still recognizes he has some risk. Mei saves Y’shtola from Amaurot alone, and goes on ahead to the Crystal Tower alone towards the Seat of Sacrifice Trial.

  • At the start of Endwalker, Meiko heads to Thavnair while A’kihiko remains behind in Sharlayan. Meiko goes with the twins to Victory Spoils and then again volunteers to go with them to the Garlean refugees; she volunteered to do so being a Viera (native to the continent), and also in the hopes that her brother would not be recognized. Later, A’kihiko is taken to the dinner, as only one body can be traded.

  • Mei travels to Elpis as she is the one able to move between the Source and the First. However, she reunites with and fills in A'kihiko as soon as she returns to Old Sharlayan. You know, while crying the whole time.

  • Meiko and A’kihiko face the end of Ultima Thule, and later Zenos, together.

  • When the time comes to part ways, so do the siblings-- if only for a short time. Meiko buys a small ship and sets out to explore the islands in the Rhotano Sea and Indigo Deep. For narrative purposes, Meiko received her Island Sanctuary before the events of 6.2 kicked off. All else proceeded as canon alongside her brother.

  • A’kihiko is able to travel to Elpis following the start of the Pandaemonium raid. Meiko is still the only one able to travel to the First.

  • Meiko and A'kihiko don't stray far from the canon events for Dawntrail, but Meiko puts Mablu in contact with Tataru in a mentorship way and A'kihiko is helping defend the train while Meiko is at the guns as they head into Heritage Found.


main/wol. Meiko is only known as the sister to the Warrior Of Light -- even after she gains Hydaelyn’s Blessing herself as A’kihiko proves himself to Midgardsormr throughout the events of Heavensward. Only her fellow Scions know that she is gifted with the same responsibility as her brother until after Shadowbringers. Even then, a majority of the public aren’t in the know, but praise her as they do other Scions regardless. Any interactions with other WOLs will NOT use this verse unless otherwise specified.

dancer/sellsword. A’kihiko never ended up caught in that Scion nonsense, and thus Meiko never did, either. While he continues his work as a mercenary across Eorzea, Meiko is a full-time performer of Troupe Falsiam. However, she occasionally works as a sellsword for money, especially when the troupe is low on funds.

other verses

explorer. It was only natural for a daughter of pirates to seek out adventures of her own, albeit slightly more legal. This is a more general fantasy verse, adaptable to a variety of scenarios; in the case of royalty au, for example, she would serve a sovereign as a privateer and/or lead expeditions in the kingdom's name.

performer (ffix). Meiko is a member of a traveling dance troupe, Troupe Falsiam, hailing from the other side of the world. In order to help pay for these costs, she (and her fellow performers) take on odd jobs. She is an avid, though not particularly skilled, player of Triple Triad.

modern. Mei and Hiko were raised by their paternal grandparents in Japan shortly after their own parents split. While their father was mostly absent, they kept in touch with their mother, who returned to Glasgow after the divorce and maintained a good relationship. Mei works as a bartender after graduating high school and aspires to live a comfy, lazy life on a beach.


The following list describes Meiko’s default disposition to certain NPCs, but nothing is set in stone! I am always open to discussing different dynamics. If you have questions about anything below or unlisted NPCs, just ask! ** THIS LIST CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE ENTIRE MSQ.**

  • Tataru: Meiko immediately got along with Tataru, possibly because of her fondness of Lalafell, but mostly because she recognized the secretary as a take-charge little badass. She will do anything for Tataru, basically, and makes sure everyone wears what she makes them. She is super supportive of all of her business ventures. Meiko has put Tataru in contact with Mablu in Urqopacha, stating Tataru would gain a clever contact in the New World and Mablu would get a fellow pink-wearing badass mentor in business.

  • Minfilia: Meiko was initially wary of Minfilia and her 'secret organization' that had gotten her brother involved in so dangerous a quest. She had arrived at the Waking Sands ready to argue, only to be sympathized with and permitted to join the Scions with almost no resistance. From that point on, Meiko did her best not to make a nuisance of herself and did not socialize with Minfilia (or most of the other Scions) unless asked otherwise. However, she was always impressed by her courage and ability to lead. She wishes she could have gotten to know her better.

  • Thancred: Initially intimidated by all the scholarly types, Meiko only closely bonded with Thancred as far as her fellow Scions in ARR. He was a Limsan orphan and fit the rogue archetype she was used to; they are drinking buddies and good friends. He was even the one that took her to the Gold Saucer for the first time! Between not recognizing when he was possessed and not being able to keep Minfillia safe in post-ARR, however, she becomes awkward and guilty around him for a short time. Eventually, though, they get past it.

  • Y'shtola: Meiko will always be intimidated by Y’shtola, but she was especially intimidated by how intelligent and no-nonsense she appeared to be in ARR. Afraid of sounding stupid, she often shut up around her and tried to avoid her. Eventually, in Shadowbringers, they were able to finally bond a bit more.

  • Urianger: Similar to Y’shtola, Meiko was intimidated by Urianger’s intelligence and the fact that she struggled to comprehend almost everything he said. However, once she witnessed occasions of him being a silly nerd, she was able to relax around him more. When it came to his ‘lies’, she absolutely forgave him with little thought, as she empathized with his difficult situations.

  • Alphinaud & Alisaie: Mei regards these two as her unofficial children. She emotionally adopted them from the start, but is always mindful not to smother them like she had done to Hiko prior to ARR. She is their biggest cheerleader, and offered them a place in the Mochikoko family after their unfortunate run-in with their father in post SHB.

  • Krile: Although she was a little intimidated by Krile’s scholar status like the other Scions, the other Lalafell’s motherly nature helped calm her quite a bit. She also was quite worried about her during the events of Stormblood. Meiko adores the fact that Krile and Tataru basically have Estinien on a leash. She admires the dedication and self-discipline Krile possesses, especially around her taking up Pictomancy.

  • Estinien: He was rude throughout HW, snarking that he didn’t know why she was here when they had the WoL with them, etc. After HW, however, she is happy to see that he has opened up a bit and never misses a chance to tease him for this or that.

  • G'raha: She originally recognized him as a major fanboy of her brother during the CT raids, and therefore their friendship was only just budding before he went to sleep. They had a few good talks during SHB around how she felt being the ‘last resort’ in comparison to her brother; they ultimately became stronger friends through it all. She also suspected he was the Exarch from the first time she saw him -- she recognized that Miqo’te nose!

  • Ryne: Meiko wanted nothing more than to lift her up and support her ever since she laid eyes on the poor lass. She is so, so proud of her for finding her own way. She always called her “Minnie”, not Minfilia. She was also on the brink of shaking Thancred violently whenever she thought he was too harsh on her.

  • Erenville: As with so many other Viera characters, Meiko wanted to get to know Erenville better throughout the events of Endwalker, but plot got in the way. Then in Dawntrail, Erenville was clearly uncomfortable talking about his past, so she never bugged him. Then the plot happened and she has given up on asking him about his home entirely. She does try to make it clear she is available to him as a friend and confidant, but won't broach the topic first. They're not close enough for that. Personally, though, Meiko is very impressed by Erenville's abilities and thinks him very capable.

  • Wuk Lamat: Meiko and her brother help to mentor Wuk Lamat throughout the Rite of Succession. Although initially worried Wuk Lamat was too naive for the responsibility, she was pleasantly surprised and impressed by just how much she matured over such a short period of time. Meiko bonded with her over that initial bout of missing confidence, and will continue to support her reign.

  • Koana: Despite teasing Thancred and Urianger for immediately adopting a new child, Meiko also felt strongly protective of Koana after he mentioned his being abandoned as a boy. She was delightfully surprised when he was immediately about to kill someone over his sister, because uh, same. She doesn't have to mentor him as much as she does Wuk Lamat (both because he's a bit more mature and is already being taken care of by Thancred and Urianger), but she has already decided he and Wuk Lamat are yet another pair of siblings she's claimed as her own.


✉ - Related to a specific Main Story Quest/timeline.
✸ - Warrior Of Light Verse
✾ - Non-WOL Verse

✉✸ Meiko meeting with Minfilia to appeal to join the Scions, and/or being introduced to each of the Scions following that.
-- Partners: Scion NPCs and OCs

✉✸ Meiko’s vulnerable time between post-Stormblood and pre-Shadow Bringers. Please note that for character development purposes I have to make Meiko the last WOL to be called to the First.
-- Partners: NPCs/OCs who do not go to the First.

✉✸ After defeating the Lightwarden of Amh Araeng, the severity of the consequences of Mei absorbing all that light are made clear to everyone in the group. She has been struggling to hide these effects for a while now. Some one-on-one conversations might do her some good.
-- Partners: Scions

✸✾ Infiltration of a Garlean sympathizer event, including dressing up and plotting an entire route into the party, gathering information, someone seducing the host to get them alone, and then duo interrogators.
-- Partners: Scions, WOLs

Post-Endwalker, Mei and her brother have opened a guild meant to train young adventurers so that the Scions can pull from tried-and-true group of recruits. Your Muse hears of this and arrives at the guild hall with the hopes of being trained by the realm's saviors.
-- Partners: Any OC Adventurers

✸✾ An investigation leads to suspicious activity (or a suspicious individual) operating in Wadewick Landing, Meiko’s hometown. You go together with her as a guide; she is thrilled to return home, but the welcome isn’t quite so warm.
-- Partners: Scions, WOLs

Meiko, along with Troupe Falsaim, were performing as per usual when they were attacked by beastmen. Meiko was kidnapped and taken along with a few hostages to be sacrificed to a Primal. You free her, but you are severely outnumbered; sneak away, and save the other hostages as you try to avoid being murdered.
-- Partners: Any

✗ ✾ - Meiko confesses she has been receiving anonymous fan mail as of late regarding her performances, and although she’s a little weirded out, you can tell she’s pleased. You are the one sending the fan mail, and you admit, you could be a little obsessed…
-- Partners: Any

Meiko and Troupe Falsaim get to perform at Reunion at the Azim Steppe, but get caught up in an attack. Still, Meiko holds her own, and draws an Au Ra’s romantic intentions. You are the Au Ra’s friend who apologizes relentlessly for their behavior.
-- Partners: Any Au Ra

♦✗ - Mei is a Viis from the First who was born outside of the Woods, and ended up in the shantytown outside of Eulmore until she was selected to join as a Bonded Dancer in the Honeybee. Unfortunately, she recently injured herself, and may be up for expulsion…or worse.
-- Partners: Scions, WOLs